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The Jaguar Slim Leather Strapon Harness by Aslan is a sexy strap-on harness, so named because of its sleek hip hugging profile. Sexy garment weight leather is buttery and soft against the skin, and it has a very plain pubic plate, without the snaps and rings of the original Jaguar. What you lose in variability, you gain in comfort for your partner! D-ring clasps keep the butt straps securely in place. The dill placement on this harness is lower than the average, allowing for extra clitoral stimulation of the wearer.



  • Warranty: one yearwarranty against manufacturing defects.

    Dimensions: Small/Med: Fits hips 26" - 44"

    Large: fits hips 36" - 56"

    Pubic plate hole 1 3/4".

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